Just popping in to give another update!

Hey there!

Last month I reached out to everyone about my ongoing wrist injury. I am not usually one for sharing many personal details, but I really want to fill everyone in for a couple of reasons. One, to ask for prayer! Two, to let you know what's up with the slow-down at Water On Thirsty Land and ask for continued patience with the work we are doing for Jesus here!

A little recap, I injured my wrist last Summer and suffered a sprain, a ganglion cyst, and De Quervain tendonitis all at once. The sprain healed, but the tendonitis and cyst have lingered and caused prolonged pain and weakness in my right, dominant, hand and wrist. I have been in a thumb-spica brace most of the last 13 months, have had 2 cortisone injections which made me horribly sick and wore off quickly, had an MRI, lots of X-rays, was in the cast for a month, and am now back in the thumb-spica brace until further notice. I have seen a Sports Medicine Dr, Occupational Therapist, 2 PA-Cs, and 2 Orthopedic surgeons in that amount of time as well. I got the cast off last week, thank You Lord, and today I met with a new surgeon to follow up and discuss the next steps because, unfortunately, the cast did not help.

This surgeon was a blessing. She was incredibly attentive, asked all kinds of new questions, and got some new X-rays, but unfortunately, she was at a loss as to what to do. I was offered another injection which I declined because of how awful the side effects were for me both other times. I am now being referred to a 3rd surgeon who specializes in hands, and also for a second MRI, this time with contrast. I will see this surgeon in a few weeks, and I do not yet have the MRI scheduled.

The condition of my wrist is making life extremely difficult and painful. It is a challenge to type, use a mouse (I switched to a vertical mouse which is a blessing), and to do a lot of household things as well. This means my family is having to pick up a lot of my slack, I can't cook what we normally eat, and just normal things are downright painful or even impossible. Not only everyday life, but writing either by hand or typing is difficult and I can only handle so much at a time.

I have been constantly praying over Water On Thirsty Land and what God wants me to do in this season, how He wants me to move forward, the tools He wants me to develop, and just all around what HIS plan is for this ministry. I truly believe He has made some things very clear in this time, and some things I am still patiently (usually) waiting for Him to make it clear.

Some things I want to let you know about are as follows:

  • With conviction in my heart, I feel the need to stop the Study with Me: Epistles of Paul study and RESTART it when I am healed. So this particular study is going to be tabled and restarted. This is not an easy thing for me to do, but I know it is from the Lord so I will obey it. He knows best!
  • I am praying over and leaning toward the idea of videos and/or a podcast. With not being able to type as much as I had been doing, this is something many community members have suggested and requested. I am still praying on this and have some logistics to work out, but honestly... I am thinking this may be something coming soon.
  • I am slowly designing what I can, and have been prayerfully creating an all-new content schedule. This new schedule will focus on teaching you how to study deeper, help you choose resources that suit your needs, how to use various resources and more. (SPOILER ALERT: Currently working on a tutorial for how to study Hebrew and Greek with www.BlueLetterBible.org.)
  • I am also still working slowly on getting items in the shop. The WOTL Shop is still pretty new, and with my wrist, I have not been able to get as much done as I would like, nor have I been able to promote the new shop. If you have an interest in supporting me and the work being done through this ministry, I encourage you to take a look at the WOTL Shop, and if you are so inclined I would love to invite you to share it with others. Referrals are always truly helpful!

There is a lot still happening, many projects in the works behind the scenes as I can handle them, and some NEW things I am especially excited about. In the midst of the wrist chaos, I have started teaching teenage girls how to study the Bible and with that, the Lord has led me to develop my first official Bible study curriculum which I will be bringing to you all soon as well! This is a curriculum for ANYone to follow and is great to do with a group. Be on the lookout for this one!

I would love to hear from you (seriously, feel free to reply to this email, email me anytime, or even join us on Discord). Please let me know how I can be praying for you, and also feel free to let me know any input or ideas you may like to share with me. I love feedback and consider all of it prayerfully.

I appreciate you being here with me on this journey and I am grateful for your patience and understanding as God leads me through this season. I know He is working all of this for the good of those who love Him, and that this season will strengthen me, and will also strengthen this ministry He has called me to do. I pray also that through my struggles, you be encouraged as well. I don't know the season you are in, but I can tell you He is with you in yours as well - whatever "it" is.

No matter how crazy life gets, don't let the flaming arrows of the enemy distract you from the mission He has called you to. We have work to do for the Kingdom, even when life gets messy or feels downright impossible sometimes. We serve the God of the impossible and by HIS strength we will persevere and grow.

With love & prayers,

Jeanne, Founder

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Water On Thirsty Land

Water On Thirsty Land exists to edify, build up, and fellowship with Christians who want to live better for the Lord. Let’s grow stronger in our faith and relationship with Him, together and individually!