Just wanted to give you an update!

Hello Reader,

You may have noticed a slowdown in content from me over the last couple of months and it is time I give you an update about that! Last June, I suffered a triple wrist injury - a sprain, dequiarvain tendonitis, and a ganglion cyst all at once in my dominant wrist. I was in a thumb spica brace from June to September and was finally able to get treatment that helped heal my wrist....for a short time. The sprain healed, but the cyst and tendonitis returned early this year. I now have tendonitis and not 1 but 3 cysts in my dominant wrist, all causing extreme pain and limited usability of my right hand and wrist.

I have been trying to power through and continue with normal life as much as possible but the pain just grew and grew until I was finally referred to a surgeon. The surgeon did not think I qualified for surgery and instead put me in a cast for 4 weeks, with a thumb spica brace and physical therapy after the cast is removed.

With this injury I have not been able to type much, the mouse is a challenge, and I have had to choose where to exert the strength I have until I physically have to be done each day. This means splitting my energy and strength between my family, my church, and this ministry. All that said, I will need to officially take a break from the blog posts and some other content for the time being to allow my wrist to heal. However, I have been praying for the Lord's guidance on what to do in this time. I have some ideas and I know God has a plan for this season. WOTL is not stopping, and this wrist won't force me to stop doing the Lord's will here.

Some things I would love to invite you to watch out for are:

  • NEW website shop!
    • We have printable, digital, AND physical products on the website shop! Fortunately, I can still (slowly) create content for the shop and there is plenty there already! Check it out and use code WOTLinjury15 at checkout for 15% off any orders placed while I am healing. No usage limit or minimums. Just a little something to say thanks for sticking this out with me!
  • Printables Newsletter
    • One area I plan to focus is maintaining the Printables Newsletter content. It is $5 a month for typically around $10-15 worth of printables plus some extras. If you like printable resources, this is something to look into!
  • Blog
    • I have been feeling out and praying over what to continue and what to pause. I will slowly work on blog content as I am able and the Lord guides, and here is what I will plan for, but again let the Lord guide me in doing.
      • Will work on as I am able (expect no schedule consistency for a while):
        • Chronological Gospels
        • Bible Book Overviews
        • Reviews
      • Will be on hold until I am healed
        • Pentateuch series studies
        • Study With Me: Epistles of Paul
  • Free content
    • Reading Plans - I will work on getting some new reading plans made. This will be a big help for me personally, and I know it has been a while since I have been able to get new ones published for you.
    • Wallpapers - I have GOBS of wallpapers to get reinstated on the shop for you and should be able to do this fairly easily over time. There are literally hundreds, so you will have lots to choose from!
    • Other stuff - I have some additional free resources I am working on finalizing to put up for you. I love offering freebies and plan to continue working on what I can during this time as well.
    • Sidenote: these freebies are now available through the new shop so that the "checkout" and download process is easier. You can always go into your member account on the site to find your downloads later versus having to go through the whole process again if you lose your files.

I will also try to update everyone better through this journey so you know what is going on. I am not gone, WOTL has not stopped working on this mission for the Lord, and the enemy won't shut WOTL down just because my wrist is in this condition. It is supposed to be 4 weeks in the cast, but then limited usage still in a brace after that. So we will see how long the healing process takes.

I'd appreciate prayers for the healing process as I figure out this cast, as well as for my family who will need to help me a lot more. Thank you so much for being here with me and sticking with WOTL as I go through this journey. Also, please feel free to join us on Discord for additional community and updates! Link is below :)

With love & prayers,

Jeanne, Founder

Did you know we are on Discord?

Now that you're on the mailing list, I'd also love to invite you to take it to another level and join the community on Discord if you have not already!

Our Discord is a place for fellowship, fun, prayer, study, and building up the Body of Christ. We are small but growing and would love to have you there with us as well.

No pressure, no obligation, just an invitation to fellowship together and get to know one another better!

Feel free to designate what you want to receive from us! You can decide whether you want to receive things like wallpapers, reading plans, blog announcements, 2023 Study with Me studies, and even information about new products on the shop. Choose what you want to receive here.

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Water On Thirsty Land

Water On Thirsty Land exists to edify, build up, and fellowship with Christians who want to live better for the Lord. Let’s grow stronger in our faith and relationship with Him, together and individually!