Study with Me: Week 12, 1 Corinthians 15-16

Study with Me: Week 12, 1 Corinthians 15-16

WEEK 12: 1 Corinthians 15-16

The Apostle Paul has written an intense letter to the Corinthian church that he founded to correct, rebuke, and encourage them. He closes out this letter with all three of these exhortations. After explaining spiritual gifts and Biblical love, he goes on to remind believers that they should stand in and hold fast to the gospel you have heard and received, for it is not in vain.

  • Stand - G2476 - histēmi
    • to stand
      • continue safe and sound, stand unharmed, to stand ready or prepared
      • to be of a steadfast mind
      • of quality, one who does not hesitate, does not waiver
  • Hold fast - G2722 - katechō
    • to hold fast, keep secure, keep firm possession of
  • Believed – G4100 - pisteuō
    • to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in
      • of the thing believed
        • to credit, have confidence
      • in a moral or religious reference
        • used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
        • to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith
        • mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
  • Saved - G4982 – sōzō
    • to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction
    • to deliver from the penalties of the Messianic judgment
    • to save from the evils which obstruct the reception of the Messianic deliverance
    • to make one a partaker of the salvation by Christ

If we truly believe the gospel, we are saved from the evils that seek to destroy us and separate us from God forever, and we are partakers of Christ’s salvation. We must stand for the gospel and hold fast to the message we have received and believed. Our belief is not in vain, for Christ was in fact raised from the dead. Christ was crucified – He was dead for 3 days – and then He was alive again, proving that He conquered sin and death. We must persist and persevere in our faith, and hold on to our belief. We must stop how we once lived while we did not believe, and stand firm, planted in our hope and faith, not wavering.

We will be attacked, but we have the resurrection power of Jesus in and with us to defeat the sin and temptations in our life. By our faith in Jesus, His power works in and through us to strengthen us and help us to stand firm and persevere in all circumstances. If we truly have faith in Jesus as our Savior, we are truly saved.

How do these reminders encourage you in your faith?

Paul also reminds all believers that we, none of us, are worthy of this salvation. None of us are worthy of the calling we have in Jesus. Paul himself even calls himself the least of all of the apostles. Paul had been persecuting and killing believers of Jesus before Jesus came to Paul and called him to repentance. Paul was a murderer, yet Jesus called Paul His own and used him in incredible ways. Paul, a murderer, a persecutor of Christians, gave his life to Christ and eventually gave his life for Christ. Paul reminds us that only by the grace of God are any of us saved, and only by His grace are we called to the works He has for us.

What in your life makes you feel unworthy of the name of Jesus? How does this reminder and testimony of Paul encourage you today?

None of us are worthy – but Jesus is, and that is the point of our hope. By faith in Him we are washed clean by His blood and sealed by His Spirit for the coming resurrection. Because Jesus suffered and died in our place and then was resurrected, we know that by faith in Him we are saved from the penalty for our sin and will one day be resurrected with Him in eternity. Our fleshly bodies will be cast off and we will be given new spiritual bodies.

What does this teach you about Jesus?

It can be difficult to understand how Jesus defeated sin and death, but then Satan continues to wreak havoc for all mankind. How can that be? Did Jesus really defeat Satan? Yes, He did. God allows Satan to inflict evil – God gives Satan the choice and option to continue in evil. In the same way, God gives us a choice to listen to Satan, or to listen to Him. God gives us the choice to repent of our sin and turn to faith in Jesus and the promise of eternity with Him, or to remain in sin and continue on the path to destruction. God gives us the option to choose Him or choose sin. He is patient, and has a grand plan. One day, His patience will be at an end, the timer will end, and our chance to choose will end with it. Will we have chosen Him and His ways, or will we have chosen evil and the ways of the devil?

Sin entered the world by the sins of one man, Adam, and will be completely vanquished because of the righteousness of one Man, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only One who can save us from the fate we are all destined for. Faith in the blood and resurrection of Jesus as an atonement for our sins is the only way to be made right with God and enter into glory with Him one day. Only those who truly have faith in Jesus can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Because of the hope we have in Jesus, we are called to be “steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work” because when we are working for the Lord, it is never in vain. Stand firm in your faith, do not waiver, and remain in the hope you have found in Jesus. Continue to grow in obedience to the work the Lord has called you to do for His Kingdom. It is never for nothing, and is always an immeasurable blessing to serve the Lord with a thankful heart for all He is and has done and continues to do. Be alert. Stand firm in faith. Be courageous. Be strong. Do everything in love.

How does this reminder convict you?

What has the Lord laid on your heart to do that you have not yet been obedient in? What steps will you take this week to step out in obedient faith in the Lord’s plans?

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