Study With Me: Week 13, 2 Corinthians 1-2

Study with Me: Week 13, 2 Corinthians 1-2

WEEK 13: 2 Corinthians 1-2

The Apostle Paul wrote the letter we call 2 Corinthians to the Corinth church. He had already written to rebuke and correct them, and spent much of 1 Corinthians encouraging them as well. Now in 2 Corinthians he opens up another letter to them with a lesson we can all take heart in.

Paul does not keep his sufferings a secret. He is very open about his struggles, and with them he also teaches the importance of his own sufferings for the sake of others. Our sufferings are not only our own, and likewise our comfort is not only for us. Both our sufferings and comfort should be a comfort to others. We are not alone in our sufferings – we are called to share in the sufferings of Christ, but can take comfort in suffering for His sake. Our comfort also comes from the Lord, and by this comfort we can then comfort others.

This word Paul used for comfort is paraklēsis which in this context literally means “consolation, comfort, solace; that which affords comfort or refreshment”. It is also written throughout the New Testament as consolation, exhortation, and entreaty.

  • G3874 - paraklēsis
    • a calling near, summons, (esp. for help)
    • imploration, supplication, entreaty
    • exhortation, admonition, encouragement
    • consolation, comfort, solace; that which affords comfort or refreshment
      • thus of the Messianic salvation (so the Rabbis call the Messiah the consoler, the comforter)
    • persuasive discourse, stirring address
      • instructive, admonitory, conciliatory, powerful hortatory discourse

The comfort God gives to us is beyond anything we can find in things of the world. This kind of authentic, pure, inward reaching, exhorting, persuasive, stirring, instructive comfort comes only from the Lord. With it, He gives us the ability to pour it into others. Our culture tries to find comfort in things like entertainment, distractions, work, social media, hobbies, food, substances, intimacy, exercise, and the idea of finding your purpose. We seek comfort in all kinds of places, but Paul exhorts all believers that comfort comes from God alone, and is to be shared to others.

Think your yourself as a cup. The world drinks you up, but the Lord fills you up. If you are seeking comfort from the world, the world will just keep taking leaving you dry, exhausted, and depleted. When you seek your solace from the Lord, He refills you. The more you seek Him, the more you allow Him to fill you up. Eventually you will be overflowing His love and blessings into others. You will spill His peace, comfort, love, hope, and joy into others with plenty left in you to never go thirsty yourself. When you neglect to seek the Lord, your cup will be gulped up again making it necessary to stay near to the Lord of all comfort and encouragement. If you are not being filled up by God, what will you be pouring into others?

How can you draw near to God and find comfort in Him?

How can you pour comfort and encouragement into others in your life?

Paul also explains that prayer is one incredible way we can be pouring into others and sharing with them in this journey. Praying for others lifts them up to the Lord and calls on the Lord to pour into those you are praying for. Praying, as Paul says, is how we can “join in helping [others] by [our] prayers”.

How is your prayer life? How does this encourage your prayer life?

In the same message, Paul goes on to explain that his conscience is clear about how he himself has conducted himself with them. He is confident that he has displayed “godly sincerity and purity” by the grace of God. He doesn’t share this to boast, but to encourage us to check ourselves and have this personal goal as well. We should desire to have a clear conscience that we are living godly, sincere, and pure lives and that our conduct brings glory to God. We must not be double-minded, but must be genuine, confident in the seal of the Holy Spirit in us, and pouring hope into others God has put into our path.

What does this teach you about your relationship with the Lord?

Not only does Paul give quite the convicting encouragement, but he goes on to explain the importance of forgiveness. If someone has sinned, has caused pain, there are ways we are called in the Lord to handle the situation. If coming to them again would just cause further pain, that would not be edifying or glorifying to God. Sometimes we need to walk away or create some distance, but we must always forgive and pray for repentance to come.

Where might you be struggling to forgive or even to glorify God in a relationship?

By withholding forgiveness, we are hurting ourselves and are more easily led by the schemes of Satan. The enemy loves an unforgiving heart and desires us to be divided. He seeks to steal, kill, and destroy and that is what is accomplished by a lack of forgiveness. Scripture also tells us that when we fail to forgive others, the Father in Heaven does not forgive us. We are commanded to forgive others before we come and seek the Lord’s forgiveness. It happens to be a pretty big deal to God!

How has forgiveness helped you in your faith and relationship with the Lord?

In all of this, I am so encouraged by Paul’s gratitude to the Lord. Even while he is struggling with these people, he is praising God. He reminds us that we are the aroma of Jesus. Not only this, but we spread the aroma of Jesus everywhere we go. The aroma we spread matters. Are we spreading the pleasing aroma of forgiveness and mercy, or the destructive aroma of unforgiveness and divide?

What aroma are you spreading lately? How can you spread more of Jesus?

SPECIAL NOTE: Thank you so much for doing this study with me! I wanted to let you know that due to some changes in my family and ministry schedule, I need to move our Study with Me studies to Thursdays. You should be able to expect these studies on Thursday afternoons moving forward. I apologize for the sudden change! I always want to make sure my heart and intention is right when I do a study and put one together and never want to hastily throw something together just to get it to you guys. That should never happen. Moving days will allow me to get back to a routine with these studies with you guys and give them the proper focus, prayer, and care. Thanks so much for understanding and I pray everyone following along with me is encouraged and edified. God bless you!

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Water On Thirsty Land

Water On Thirsty Land exists to edify, build up, and fellowship with Christians who want to live better for the Lord. Let’s grow stronger in our faith and relationship with Him, together and individually!