Study with Me: Week 14, 2 Corinthians 3-4

Study with Me Week 14, 2 Corinthians 3-4

WEEK 14: 2 Corinthians 3-4

2 Corinthians 3-4 continues Paul's follow-up letter to the Corinth church. He begins by explaining that his ministry is effective because of God, not because of himself or any other person. He has no reason or right to brag about himself. God is the One who makes us adequate for the work He calls us to do. When God is in the work being done, there is evidence of His handiwork all over it. Sometimes it shows up in the form of testimonies, such as Paul recognizing the testimonies of the Corinthians. They are bearing fruit and lives are being transformed by faith.

It is essential that we give all credit and glory to God and do not boast of ourselves. We should also encourage and uplift other workers for the Lord to build up the Body of Christ. We are all in this together, and God is the one equipping and transforming. To Him be all the bragging and glory and praise!

Where have you seen a transformation happen because of someone's faith? How did it encourage you?

It is also important to understand where our hope comes from, and why there are people who do not share this hope we have. Those who do not yet believe in Jesus as Lord still have a veil over them, preventing them from understanding spiritual things - the things of God. When we look to the Lord for salvation, we receive His Spirit, and with His Spirit the veil is lifted. Over time, the veil diminishes more and more and we begin to understand more of spiritual things. This requires looking to the Lord, seeking His face, desiring His Truth, and allowing transformation to take place within us by the power of the Holy Spirit. This transformation brings incredible freedom and allows us to know God deeper.

How have you personally experienced this in your own life and faith journey?

As we look to the glory of God we are transformed by God’s Spirit. We then understand more of the depth of mercy we’ve been shown. We also learn of our need for a Savior, and that the new covenant in Christ brings salvation to those who believe. The new covenant brings spiritual life because God Himself dwells in believers and seals us for eternity.

Those who choose to believe in Jesus find spiritual life and freedom while those who choose not to believe are bound by the lies of Satan. The veil remains for those who reject the new covenant, preventing them from understanding their need for Jesus.

What does this teach you about God?

What does this teach you about your relationship with Jesus?

How does this encourage you in your faith?

No matter what we experience we should continue to let God’s Spirit transform us. We should keep seeking the face of God and His glory. As we experience affliction, we can still glorify God and increase our gratitude for Him. Let's aim to focus on the promises ahead of us and be sanctified by His Spirit, to His glory and honor.

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